Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I have been traveling for almost 24 hours now and I’m still not toy destination! I’m tired, hungry, and America deprived to say the least. I don’t travel out of the country often, so this trip has been more mentally exhaustive than anything.

I had to drive to Chicago where I was stuck in stand still traffic for over an hour, I then had to fly to ft. Lauderdale in what seemed to be the smallest carrier plane ever built!! On top of having to sit straight up throughout the entire trip with the passengers hard plastic back leaned into my sensitive knees, my seat was broken and would not lean back or latch in any position.

So once we finally arrived in Florida at 11:30pm, the layover kept getting longer and longer as problems with the airlines kept evolving. So once we departed from the “Dale”, on what seemed to be the second smallest plane ever built, I was on my way to tropical paradise…San Jose airport! While I waited 8 hours for my bus to arrive to bring me to my final destination!

Thinking that it has been 96 degrees on a regular basis in Costa Rica, I didn’t think to bring any warm clothing for what seemed like below arctic temperatures in the airport there…
So while I sucked down every ounce of “joe” that Lavasta, a Costa Rican cafe, had to offer to maintain what little body heat I had left, I found out my bus was not picking me up where they had originally told me.

So I preceded to jog around the airport, to stay warm,(I didn’t really jog) while trying to figure out where the restaurant Denny’s was. So I could get to this so called tropical paradise. 30 minutes later, after exhausting every possible avenue to find the only thing I know to be American, Denny’s, I’m sitting here eating what has to be the best cheat meal I have had in a long time while I sweat bullets and sip my piping hot coffee…a golden brown Belgian waffle, bacon, sausage, and scrabbled eggs. Ahh, relief at last. I will keep you updated with the rest of my trip and let you know how great or how terrible the gyms are in this not so resorty area. Until next time…chao!





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Get Your Mind Right!

Posted: April 15, 2014 in Uncategorized


Before we dive into topics on weight loss, nutrition, and living a healthy lifestyle there is something that needs to be discussed first.  Mindset.  Your mindset in your everyday life has a ton of influence on your subconscious (things you do without noticing), and the people around you.

Many people have a goal, or a list of goals that they want to accomplish within the next week, month, year, or lifetime.  If you don’t…We need to have a serious sit down and figure out your life.  For those of you who have goals and aspirations there is one thing you need to do above all else.  Get your mind right!  What I mean by that is you need to have an optimistic, think big, can do, positive attitude.  Yes, I know that is hard to do 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  But that should be your number one goal above all else.

Staying positive at all times can be difficult at first, but with practice over time, you will be a positive piper without even knowing it.  If someone around you says something negative, you will have a quick positive response that will help change their mindset.  If you are in sales and you get rejected, then you will keep your chin up and go on to your next sales call without missing a beat.  If you are trying to lose 200 pounds, but the weight just isn’t coming off (first, you need to call me), you will tell yourself that Rome wasn’t built overnight and you will keep pushing yourself until you get results!

Anything, and I mean anything is possible.  If you think something is impossible then you need to seriously focus on harnessing your inner power of optimism and build up your mental tenacity.  Before the Wright Brothers, people thought that flying in the sky was an impossibility.  Look at where our technology is today!  Before Thomas Edison, people didn’t believe that flipping a switch to turn on a light was possible.  How many lights do you think are in the world today?

One thing that separates successful people from the mediocrity that most people see in their everyday lives is a positive, persistent, enthusiastic mindset.  Successful people is a term that describes people from all walks of life.  A successful person could be a single mother working two jobs, a small business owner, or a billionaire playboy.  Success comes in all different shapes and sizes, but it all starts with your mindset.

This is one of the first things I talk about with my clients as we prepare to begin our training’s together, because without it, we are both wasting our time and money.

So if you find yourself doubting your path during the day, or you don’t think what you are doing is paying off, then you either need to change what you are doing or be very, very persistent.  Most of the time it is persistence that wins marathons, so hang in there.  Once you get the hang of having a positive mindset, you then can begin to focus on that long list of goals you want to achieve.  Not only will you be able to reach these goals, but you will get to enjoy the journey along the way.

Trust me, I used to have the worst mindset that was comprehensible.  I doubted my coaches, I doubted my abilities, I doubted my friends and families advice, and never thought I would become anything.  I look at myself today and thank God for giving me the faith to believe in myself.  Without changing my mindset I would not have earned my Olympic Trial cuts for swimming, I would not be a nationally recognized personal trainer, and I would not have the faith that my family, friends, and God have instilled in me.  If you want to see change in your life, it first starts with you!